The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization
Milan, 24-27 July 2023 – Bocconi University
The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization
Milan, 24-27 July 2023 – Bocconi University
Program of the 18th IAEE European Conference – 2023
July 24 I July 25 I July 26 I July 27 I
Monday, July 24, 2023
13.00 Registration
10.00-18.00 IAEE Council meeting
14.00-18.30 PhD Day Seminars
19.00-20.30 Welcome Reception
21.00-23.00 IAEE Council Dinner
21.00-23.00 Students Happy Hour
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
09.00 -17.00 Registration
09.00 -11.00 Coffee and refreshments
09.00 -10.30 Opening Session
Welcome address
Francesco Billari, Rector Bocconi University GREEN (video),
Jean-Michel Glachant, IAEE President
Matteo Di Castelnuovo AIEE President
Marco Percoco, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences and Director of the GREEN Research Center, Bocconi University, Conference General Chair
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Chair of the Scientific Committee, Professor University of Perugia, Italy
Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy – registered video message
Giuseppe Zafarana, President of Eni, Italy
Keynote speakers:
Adnan Shihab-Eldin, former Acting Secretary General and Director of the Research Division of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and former Director General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences 2011-2021. He is also a research associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies >>> PRESENTATION
Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA – (video conference)
Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of Environment and Energy Security (registered video message to the participants)
10.30 -12.00 – 1st cycle of concurrent sessions – n. 01-10 (1h.30′ each)
1. Hydrogen technology applications: some environmental and economic aspects
Chair: Deok-Joo LEE, Director LEESA, Seoul National University, South Korea
Optimal investment strategies for hydrogen mobility infrastructure considering indirect network effects and competitions
Presenter: Saedaseul Moon, Seoul National University, Korea
Authors: Saedaseul Moon, Deok-Joo Lee
Spatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market Splitting
Presenter: Marco Sebastian Breder, University of Duisburg-Esse, Germany
Author: Marco Sebastian Breder, Felix Meurer, Michael Bucksteeg, Christoph Weber
A Merit-Order for End-Uses of Hydrogen
Presenter: Maryam Sadighi, Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’Évry, ENGIE Research and Innovation, France
Author: Albin Kasser, Maryam Sadighi
2. The future of electric mobility
Chair: Amela Ajanovic, Professor Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Increasing Electrical Vehicle Adoption with personalized nudging
Presenter: Ursa Bernardic, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Authors: Jonas Savelsberg, Ursa Bernardic, Davide Cerruti, Masssimo Filippini, Giuseppe Ugazio
May I? Enabling the sharing of private charging infrastructure
Presenter: Paul Fabianek, Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN), RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Authors: Paul Fabianek, Rüdiger von Nitzsch, Reinhard Madlener
Innovative local energy concepts with e-mobility charging for residential buildings
Presenter: Jana Schneeloch, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany
Authors: Jana Schneeloch, Ziqian Wang
Early electrifiers: individual profile and impact of the energy crisis
Presenter: Alessandra Motz, Università della svizzera italiana, Italy
Authors: Alessandra Motz, Stefano Scagnolari
3. The Oil & Gas sector
Chair: Priscilla Adamma Ekpe, Vice President (M & L) Nigeria Association for Energy Economics, Nigeria
The long-term costs of delaying carbon taxation in the oil sector
Presenter: Léo Jean, Paris School of Economics, France
Author: Léo Jean
One great pool, but with varying depth: dynamic efficiency of global crude oil markets
Presenter: Sania Wadud, Department of Economics, University of Essex, UK
Authors: Sania Wadud, Kingsley E. Dogah, Marc Gronwald
Station Heterogeneity and Asymmetric Gasoline Price Responses
Presenter: Emmanuel Asane-Otoo, Institute of Economics, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Authors: Emmanuel Asane-Otoo, Bernhard C. Dannemann
4. Electricity market: economics and design
Chair: Lucia Visconti Parisio, Professor Bicocca University, Italy
Assessment of regional peer-to-peer electricity trading
Presenter: César De Jesús Tábora, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Authors: César De Jesús Tábora, Sourabh Somwanshi, Niklas Hartmann
Reserve prices in renewable-based power system
Presenter: Laureen Deman, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Authors: Laureen Deman, Cédric Clastres, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Quentin Boucher
Optimal Arbitrage with Limit Orders in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets
Presenter: Takuji Matsumoto, Kanazawa University, Japan
Author: Takuji Matsumoto, Derek Bunn
Risks and incentives for gaming in electricity redispatch markets
Presenter: Christine Brandstätt, Constructor University Bremen; Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Authors: Anna Pechan, Christine Brandstätt, Gert Brunekreeft, Martin Palovic
5. Energy communities: aspects and considerations
Chair: Chiara Candelise, Professor, Bocconi University
The energy community and the grid
Presenter: Julien Jacqmin, Neoma Business school, France
Authors: Julien Jacqmin, Axel Gautier and Jean-Christophe Poudou
Local Energy Communities: valuing flexibility for power market design and grid investment planning
Presenter: Mirindra Andriantsilavina, Nantes University, France
Authors: Mirindra Andriantsilavina, Rodica Loisel, Lionel Lemiale, Jean-François Rambaud, Julien Moreau
A framework for multiple-participation in Energy Communities
Presenter: Ivan Mariuzzo, University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Italy
Authors: Ivan Mariuzzo, Bernadette Fina, Stefan Stroemer
Welfare implications of renewable energy communities. individual versus collective approach
Presenter: Rodica Loisel, University of Nantes; France
Authors: Rodica Loisel, Lionel Lemiale
6. Nuclear energy: what’s new?
Chair: Machiel Mulder, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Economic value of nuclear power in future energy systems; required subsidy in various scenarios regarding future renewable generation and electricity demand
Presenter: Machiel Mulder, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Authors: Machiel Mulder, Arjen Veenstra
The Economics of Flexible Nuclear Generation in Low-Carbon Power Systems: a Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Approach
Presenter: Ange Blanchard, Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Industrial Engineering Research Department, France
Authors: Ange Blanchard, Olivier Massol
Lessons for the Organization of Nuclear Decommissioning from the UK and the US: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities
Presenter: Alexander Wimmers, Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy, TU Berlin, Germany
Authors: Alexander Wimmers, Christian von Hirschhausen
7. The effect of Covid on green economy
8. Energy storage: roles and competitiveness
Chair: Iain Staffell, Professor Imperial College London, UK
The system-value of competing energy storage
Presenter: Maximilian Parzen, University of Edinburgh, UK
Author: Maximilian Parzen
Assessing Potential of Electrified Transport for Enhancing Flexibility in Integrated Renewable Energy Systems
Presenter: Parinaz Aliasghari, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Authors: Parinaz Aliasghari, Leonard Göke
The role of storage and hedging in risk-averse electricity markets equilibrium
Presenter: Sining Liu, Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Author: Sining Liu
The evolving competitive landscape for energy storage technologies over the coming decade
Presenter: Iain Staffell, Imperial College London, UK
Authors: Iain Staffell, Oliver Schmidt
9. Energy & Economy: some experiences
Chair: Lin Zhang, Professor City University of Hong Kong, China
Cofinancing and infrastructure project outcomes in Chinese overseas development finance
Presenter: Yangsiyu Lu, Paris School of Economics, France
Authors: Yangsiyu Lu, Cecilia Springer, Bjarne Steffen
Local employment creation through clean electricity generation – an analysis for Brazil and a staggered difference-in-difference approach
Presenter: Swaroop Rao, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Germany
Authors: Swaroop Rao, David Grover, Dorothée Charlier
Lessons from municipal networks for mutual support: Empowering municipalities to lead the transition towards a low-carbon society
Presenter: Sven Alsheimer, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
Authors: Sven Alsheimer, Uta Burghard, Markus Fritz
Long-term impact of increasing fossil fuel prices and market design on the market values of wind and solar power
Presenter: Thorsten Weiskopf, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Authors: Thorsten Weiskopf, Florian Zimmermann, Emil Kraft
10. Energy & Economy: some experiences
12.00-13.00 Dual Plenary Sessions
Energy Transition: the EU Roadmap to 2050
Chair: Alberto Biancardi, Director of studies and international relations · GSE (The Energy Service System Operator), Italy*
Reinhard Madlener, Full Professor of Energy Economics and Management, Director, Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN), School of Business and Economics / E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University
Aurelien Peffen, Enerdata Global Energy Forecasting Department, France (confirmed)
Iacopo Savelli, Bocconi University, Italy
Financing the Energy Transition
Chair: Peter Hartley, George A. Peterkin Professor of Economics at Rice University, Rice Scholar of Energy Economics at the Baker Institute, USA
Susanna Dorigoni, Professor of energy and environmental economics, Bocconi and Bicocca Universities, Italy
Luciano Lavecchia, Climate change and sustainability hub, Banca d’Italia
Claudio Petrolini, Vice President, Cubico Sustainable Investment, Italy
13.00 -14.30 Lunch buffet
14.30-15.30 Dual Plenary Sessions
The hydrogen role for the clean energy revolution
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino, Professor University of Perugia, Italy
Alessandro Lanza, Executive Director Eni Foundation “Enrico Mattei”, Italy **
Giovanna Pozzi, Head of Renewables Development Hydrogen BU, Snam, Italy
Michael Strebl, CEO of WIENENERGIE, Austria
Gianluca Valenti, Associate Professor in Energy Engineering,Politecnico di Milano, Italy
The social impact of energy transition
Chair: Christophe Bonnery, President of the French Association for Energy Economics, Programme Director, Paris School of Economics
Chiara Candelise, Researcher at GREEN and ICEPT and Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Imperial College London
Charles Mason, Chair in Petroleum and Natural Gas Economics in the Department of Economics and Associate Dean for Research in the College of Business at the University of Wyoming, USA
Barbara Terenghi, Executive Vice President Sustainability & CEO’s Office Director, Edison
15.30 -17.00 – 2nd cycle of concurrent sessions – n. 11-20 (1h.30′ each)
11. Hydrogen: case studies (1)
12. Electrification aspects in road transport
Chair: Haluk Sayar, Founder Board Member, Vice President, AVERE European Association for Electromobility Turkiye
The value of vehicle-to-grid for the Swiss electricity system
Presenter: Ambra Van Liedekerke, ETHZ, Switzerland
Authors: Ambra Van Liedekerke, Marius Schwarz, Blazhe Gjorgiev, Giovanni Sansavini
Climate change impacts on public policy governing Turkish electric vehicle market development
Presenter: Haluk Sayar, AVERE Turkiye Electro Mobility Association, Turkey
Authors: Haluk Sayar, B. Cem Avci
Environmental valuation of the benefits of electric vehicles and their cost benefit analysis in developing countries in the case of Turkey
Presenter: Cem Tiranlar, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
Authors: Cem Tiranlar, Cem Avci
Emerging inquiries in the electric vehicle battery materials sector: synthesis of key themes and agenda for energy economics research
Presenter: Rubal Dua, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Author: Rubal Dua
13. Oil & Gas: some experiences
Chair: Christian von Hirschhausen, Professor Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany *
Development of future cross-border pipelines in the Black Sea – A legal perspective
Presenter: Ada Maria Butnaru, Volciuc-Ionescu Law Firm, Alumni of University of Groningen, Romania
Author: Ada Maria Butnaru
Modeling the Long-Term Demand of Oil Emerging from Petrochemical feedstocks Worldwide
Presenter: Raed Al-Mestneer, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Raed Al-Mestneer, Carlo Andrea Bollino
Expanding natural gas cross-border flows in Europe through the optimal use of the pipeline grid: a stylized model comparison
Presenter: Christian von Hirschhausen, Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin), and German Institute
for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany
Authors: Christian von Hirschhausen, Nikita Moskalenko, Lukas Barner, Franziska Holz, Konstantin Löffler, Björn Steigerwald >>> ABSTRACT
Long-term development of European natural gas markets – scenario analysis using the global gas model (GGM)
Presenter: Lukas Barner, Technische Universität Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany
Authors: Lukas Barner, Ruud Egging-Bratseth, Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert, Björn Steigerwald,
Christian von Hirschhausen
14. Electricity market: case studies
Chair: Fulvio Fontini, Professor, University of Padua, Italy
A restructured Moroccan electricity market and its interaction with the Iberian power market
Presenter: Anas Damoun, University of the Basque Country, UPV EHU, Spain
Authors: Anas Damoun, Aitor Ciarreta , Maria Paz Espinosa
Lithuanian long-term electricity market price predictions based on regression analysis and natural gas futures
Presenter: Mindaugas Cesnavicius, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Laboratory of Energy Systems Research, Lithuania
Authors: Mindaugas Cesnavicius, Inga Konstantinaviciute
The EU electricity markets under reform: consensus, disagreements and unknowns
Presenter: David Ribó-Pérez, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Authors: David Ribó-Pérez, Laurens de Vries, Kenneth Bruninx
15. Energy communities: some applications
Chair: Nicola Sorrentino, Professor, University of Calabria, Italy
Typologies of energy community initiatives and their social implications
Presenter: Bernadette Fina, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria
Authors: Bernadette Fina, Selin Yilmaz, Frederike Ettwein, Na Li, Andrea Werner
Measuring sustainable development in energy communities: Policy implications for sustainable and optimized community behaviour
Presenter: Matthias Maldet, Technial University of Vienna, Austria
Authors: Matthias Maldet, Georg Lettner, Daniel Schwabeneder, Christoph Loschan
Energy and decarbonization scenarios of local renewable energy communities: Berchidda municipality
Presenter: Nicolás Pardo-García, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GbmH, Austria
Author: Nicolás Pardo-García
16. Nuclear Energy: some experiences
Chair: Adnan Shihab-Eldin, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Nuclear Support Schemes in Dynamic U.S. Electricity Markets
Presenter: Muhammad Maladoh Bah, University of Basel, Germany
Author: Muhammad Maladoh Bah
Redevelopment trajectories of nuclear sites. the cases of Brunsbüttel and Fessenheim
Presenter: Belinda Ravaz, School of Engineering and Management Vaud, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Switzerland
Authors: Belinda Ravaz, Pierre-Henri Bombenger, Massimiliano Capezzali, Teva Meyer,Brice Martin
Small Modular Reactors for a Net Zero World
Presenter: Adnan Shihab-Eldin, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Noura Mansouri, Adnan Shihab-Eldin, Charles McCombie, Holger Rogner, Robert Budnitz, and Robert Schock.
17. Neutrality and energy independence
Chair: Han Yan, Department of Economics, Center of Energy Studies, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
The opportunity costs of environmental exclusion zones for renewable energy deployment
Presenter: Paul Lehmann, University of Leipzig, Germany
Authors: Paul Lehmann, Philip Tafarte
Working together, decarbonizing better? a relational view of collaborations for SCOPE 3
Presenter: Johanna Schulze-Berge, Technische Universität München, Germany
Author: Johanna Schulze-Berge
Towards Carbon Neutrality and Energy Independence in Europe: Can New Storage and Renewables Push Fossil Fuels Out?
Presenter: Milien Dhorne, Université Paris-Nanterre, France
Authors: Milien Dhorne, Marc Baudry
18. Energy storage: case studies
Chair: Iacopo Savelli, Green Research Centre, Bocconi University
Electricity storage probability in Western Balkan countries
Presenter: Zejneba Topalović, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Author: Zejneba Topalović
Short and long term storage needs in the future power system: A case study of Austria
Presenter: Marlene Sayer, TU Wien, Austria
Authors: Marlene Sayer, Reinhard Haas, Amela Ajanovic
Multicriteria Analysis for Energy Storage Valuation: Economic Simulation of Energy Scenarios in Islands Grids
Presenter: Antoine Ddebille, Nantes University, France
Authors: Antoine Ddebille, Rodica Loisel
The effect of deploying large-scale energy storages in Italy
Presenter: Iacopo Savelli, Bocconi University, Italy
Authors: Iacopo Savelli, Marco Percoco
19. How to support green revolution: the role of economy
Chair: Rodica Loisel, LEMNA Nantes University, France
The insurance value of renewable energies
Presenter: Thibault Deletombe, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and Institute for Research and Studies in Energy Economics (I-tésé), French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Université Paris-Saclay, France
Authors: Thibault Deletombe, Hyun Jin Julie Yu, Patrice Geoffron
The Impact of Sustainable Innovation Finance on Global Climate Goals
Presenter: Lena Schreiner, RWTH Aachen University, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Germany
Authors: Lena Schreiner, Reinhard Madlener
The role of state investment banks for renewable energy technologies in OECD countries
Presenter: Paul Waidelich, ETH Zurich; Switzerland
Authors: Paul Waidelich, Bjarne Steffen
20. The benefit of RES in the price formation
Chair: Hans Auer, Associate Professor Energy System Economics at TU Wien, Austria
Net metering scheme for solar energy: how are costs and benefits distributed between households with and without solar panels?
Presenter: Carlotta Masciandaro, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Authors: Carlotta Masciandaro,Michaela Kesina, Machiel Mulder
Time is Money: the Social Benefits of Time-of-use Tariffs
Presenter: Bowei Guo, Renmin University of China, China
Authors: Bowei Guo, Ao Sun, Feng Song
How power prices and renewables’ market values differ between near-optimal future energy systems
Presenter: Jonas Finke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Authors: Jonas Finke, Valentin Bertsch, Christoph Weber
17.00 -18.30 – 3rd cycle of concurrent sessions – n. 21-30 (1h.30′ each)
21. Hydrogen: case studies (2)
Chair: Marzia Sesini, Course Director Senior Research Associate, Florence School of Regulation, Italy
Hydrogen in the European power sector – a case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen
Presenter: Julian Radek, House of Energy Markets and Finance, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Authors: Julian Radek, Marco Sebastian Breder, Christoph Weber
Hydrogen Strategy towards Energy Transition: Comparative Analysis of UK and Germany
Presenter: Saheed Bello, Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
Authors: Saheed Bello, David Reiner
Assessing Hydrogen Economy Development in Egypt: Evaluation of Sustainable Hydrogen Production Technologies Using FAHP Analysis
Presenter: Ibrahim Kshanh, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan
Authors: Ibrahim Kshanh, Makoto Tanaka
Assessing The Impact Of Climate Change On The Offshore Production of Green Ammonia
Presenter: Luke Hatton, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College
Author: Luke Hatton
22. Impact of EVs in the transport sector
Chair: Reinhard Haas, Professor, Vienna University of Technology (TU WIEN), Austria
On the future relevance of electric vehicles: pro’s and con’s
Presenter: Amela Ajanovic, Vienna University of Technology (TU WIEN), Austria
Authors: Amela Ajanovic
Energy Cost Information and Electric Vehicle Purchase Decisions – Preliminary Results from a Large-scale Randomized Controlled Trial
Presenter: Ivan Petrov, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Authors: Ivan Petrov, James Carroll, Eleanor Denny
The Impact of the Weather on Electric Vehicle Fleet Demand
Presenter: Daniel Mehlig, Imperial College London, UK
Authors: Daniel Mehlig, Iain Staffell
Driving change: exploring the potential of carbon pricing to accelerate electric vehicle adoption
Presenter: Timm Hoefer, Technical University Munich, Germany
Author: Timm Hoefer
23. Geopolitics and energy security: case studies
Chair:Antonio Geracitano, Head of Relations with stakeholders and Academia,Terna, Italy
Is globalization, de jure and de facto, triggering capital flight in the African economies and making them a world’s environmental net creditor?
Presenter : Patricia Leal, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Authors: Patricia Leal, António Cardoso Marques
The process and annual review report of Taiwan energy transition whitepaper
Presenter: Ting-Hung Wang, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Authors: Tunghung Chueh, Ting-Hung Wang, Hsiu Chuan Lin, Ming Lung Hung
The energy autonomy of reunion island confronted with land use conflicts
Presenter: Nikolaos Papastefanakis, Mines Paris – PSL University, CMA – Centre for Applied Mathematics, France
Authors: Nikolaos Papastefanakis, Valentin Russeil, Sandrine Selosse
Strategies for net zero: tensions between environmental and economic goals for smaller regions
Presenter: Kevin Connolly, University of Strathclyde, UK
Authors: Kevin Connolly, David Comerford, Ciara Crummey
24. Retail electricity market
Chair: Davide Tabarelli, President Nomisma, Italy
Enabling choice in a monopolistic retail electricity market
Presenter: Héctor Ramírez, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Authors: Héctor Ramírez, Ingmar Schlecht, Ali Darudi
Designing Efficient and Equitable Retail Rate for Distributed Energy Resources
Presenter: Madalsa Singh, Stanford University, UK
Authors: Madalsa Singh, Ines Azevedo, Bruce Cain
Exploring the impact of electric retail rates and network tariffs on decarbonising residential energy demand
Presenter: Roman Hennig, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Authors: Roman Hennig, Francesco Sanvito, David Ribó Pérez, Laurens de Vries, Stefan Pfenninger, Simon Tindemans
The impact of information policies and loyalty programs on consumer switching choices in energy retail markets
Presenter: Hester Huisman, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Authors: Hester Huisman, Evert de Haan, Machiel Mulder, Jaap Wieringa
25. Energy efficiency in building (1)
Chair: Mark Olsthoorn, Grenoble Ecole de Management Associate professor at GEM in Energy Management, Technology and Strategy, France
From awareness to action: Energy literacy and household energy use
Presenter: Laura Andolfi, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Authors: Laura Andolfi, Rawan Akkouch, Ivan Pavic
Household energy efficiency behaviours and investments in Egypt: the role of energy and financial literacy
Presenter: Mark Olsthoorn, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Authors: Hatem Azzam, Mark Olsthoorn, Joachim Schleich
Acceptance of climate-oriented housing policies – a comparison between homeowners and tenants in Germany
Presenter: Tom Schütte, Universität Kassel, Germany
Authors: Tom Schütte,Thilo K. G. Haverkamp, Heike Wetzel, Andreas Ziegler
Integrating demand-supply decarbonization efforts in the buildings sector: a modelling assessment for France
Presenter: Célia Escribe, CIRED, France
Authors: Authors: Célia Escribe, Lucas Vivier, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Philippe Quirion
26. Solar energy
Chair:Carlo Di Primio, AIEE Council member, Italy
Dynamic (Mis)allocation of Investments in Solar Energy
Presenter: Nicolas Hatem, Paris School of Economics and Engie, France
Authors: Nicolas Hatem, Nicolas Astier
Volatility in Solar Renewable Energy Certificates: Jumps and Fat Tails
Presenter: Charles Mason, University of Wyoming, USA
Authors: Charles Mason, Neil A. Wilmot
Barriers affecting distributed solar PV generation in Chile: a developers’ perspective
Presenter: Claudio Agostini, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile
Authors: Shahriyar Nasirov, Paula Gonzalez, Jose Opazo, Claudio Agostini
Techno-economic analysis of a building applied PV system
Presenter: Mohammed Qannan, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Muhammad Asif, Mohammed Qannan
27. Towards carbon neutrality
Chair: Michele Governatori, Energy Program Lead, General Menager ECCO, Italy
How Pyrolysis as a Negative Emission Technology Can Guide the Expansion of the German Power System Toward Climate Neutrality
Presenter: Anna Sandhaas, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Authors: Anna Sandhaas, Meritxell Domènech Monfort, Anas Abuzayed, Niklas Hartmann
How Many Jobs the EU CBAM Can Save: A Regional Perspective
Presenter: Sigit Perdana, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Authors : Sigit Perdana, Marc Vielle
EU’s suggested carbon border adjustment mechanism – industrial effects for a small open economy within the coalition
Presenter: Brita Bye, Statistics Norway, Norway
Authors: Brita Bye, Kevin R. Kaushal, Halvor B. Storrøsten
EU Emission Trading and Aluminium Imports: Empirical Evidence for Carbon Leakage
Presenter: Jacob Thrän, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
Author: Jacob Thrän
28. Energy storage: battery applications
Chair: Andrea Biancardi, SDA Bocconi, Italy
Analysis of the value of additional flexibility provided by community battery storages for the German electricity system
Presenter: Simon Koderer, Forschungsgesellschaft für Energiewirtschaft, Germany
Authors: Simon Koderer, Michael Hinterstocker, Joachim Ferstl
Planning grid expansion with battery storage under renewables size and location uncertainties
Presenter: Adrienne de Bazelaire, RTE & Université Paris Saclay, France
Authors: Adrienne de Bazelaire, Yannick Perez (LGI), Vincent Rious (RTE), Kutluhan Pak (RTE), Olivier Massol (IFPEN)
Multi-Objective Auctions for Utility-Scale Solar Battery Systems: Lessons for ASEAN and East Asia
Presenter: Natsuko Toba, Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) of the University of Cambridge, UK
Authors: Natsuko Toba, Tooraj Jamasb, Luiz Maurer, Anupama Sen
Storage batteries as both complements and substitutes to cross-border interconnections
Presenter: Andrea Biancardi, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Italy
Authors: Andrea Biancardi, Carla Mendes, Iain Staffell
29. Low carbon technologies: some economic aspects
Chair: Luigi Samuele, Managing Partner, Horus Green Energy Investment, Italy
Market-Induced factors and dynamism in carbon dioxide emissions in selected three major economies of Sub-Saharan Africa
Presenter: Nasir Aminu, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Authors: Nasir Aminu, Yi Wang, Mahe Shehu, Nick Clifton
Differentiating the costs of capital for low-carbon technologies
Presenter: Mak Đukan, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Author: Mak Đukan
Understanding the similarities and differences in decarbonisation scenarios derived from different building stock models
Presenter: Ece Özer, TU Wien – Energy Economics Group, Austria
Authors: Ece Özer, Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Müller, Robin Krekeler, Sirin Alibas, Behnam Zakeri, Theofano Fotiou
30. Impact of RES in the electricity market
Chair: Martin Densing, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Weather conditions as challenge for the electricity systems of the future
Presenter: Marius Goerge, Forschungszentrum Jülich – Institue of Energy and Climate Research – Department “Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation, Germany
Authors: Marius Goerge, Stefan Vögele, Andrew Ross
Analysis of commissioning timelines of renewable energy projects
Presenter: Anurag Gumber, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Authors: Anurag Gumber, Riccardo Zana, Bjarne Steffen
Improving flexibility procurement: options for product standardization
Presenter: Sarah Fanta, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria
Authors: Sarah Fanta, Ksenia Tolstrup, Viktor Zobernig, Markus Riegler, Lukas Obernosterer
Aggregation of intermittent renewables in energy market models: capturing correlations and extreme events
Presenter: Martin Densing, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
Authors: Martin Densing, Yi Wan

July 25, 2023
20.00-22.00 Gala Dinner
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