The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization
Milan, 24-27 July, 2023 – Bocconi University
The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization
Milan, 24-27 July, 2023 – Bocconi University
We are pleased to announce the
Call for Papers for the 18th IAEE European Conference “The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization: a multi-scalar perspective and transformation”
Milan – 24-27 July, 2023 – Bocconi University
Call for Abstracts – Closed
Deadline for abstract submission: April 3, 2023
Conference objectives
There is a growing convergence between all energy sectors including power, transportation, infrastructure, oil and gas, renewable energy and smart cities initiatives.
Energy efficiency and renewable energy development are at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition that serves the needs of citizens, economic development and the environment. Achieving a smart, socially fair and sustainable energy system requires strong policies, competitive businesses and technology innovation. Mastering the digital transformation of energy and buildings will be crucial for creating a thriving economy and for the success of the global clean energy transition.
As increased sector convergence and global attention to transitioning to a lower carbon economy intensifies, the purpose of this conference would be to reflect this global outlook and expand the focus of the dialogue to a broader, more comprehensive perspective of the issues energy sectors need to address in an era of deep transformation.
Who should attend
The conference is intended for:
- Academics and scholars working in the fields of energy, natural resources or environmental economics
- Policy makers and government officials, international institutions and regulatory agencies
- Energy analysts working for local authorities, development agencies, consumer bodies, NGOs
- Business leaders and practitioners
Conference programme
Download the conference Call for abstracts
Concurrent sessions
Concurrent sessions will be organized from accepted abstracts.
Authors wishing to make paper presentations during the Concurrent Sessions must submit an abstract that briefly describes the research topic to be presented.
Submitted abstracts should include (1)overview, (2) methods, (3) results and (4) conclusions, conforming to the structure outlined in the abstract template. Abstracts are limited to no more than two pages in length.
Submit your abstracts to:
Authors will be notified by May 15, 2023, of their paper status. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will have until June 30, 2023, to submit their full papers for publication in the conference proceedings.
Speakers should register no later than July 4th,2023.
While multiple submissions by individual or groups of authors are welcome, the abstract selection process will seek to ensure as broad participation as possible: each speaker is to deliver only one presentation in the conference. If multiple submissions are accepted, then a different co-author will be required to pay the speaker registration fee and present the paper.
Poster presentations are also encouraged for a dedicated Poster Session.
In either case, abstracts are subject to the same evaluation procedures, general guidelines and topics applied to papers. Regardless of whether a poster or a paper presentation is requested by authors, it is the Conference Organizers’ discretion to decide whether an abstract will be part of the Concurrent or Poster Sessions.
Monday, July 24, 2023
13.00 Registration
08.00-16.00 IAEE Council meeting
14.00-18.30 PhD Day Seminars
19.00-20.30 Welcome Reception
21.00-23.00 IAEE Council Dinner
21.00-23.00 Students Happy Hour
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
09.00 -17.00 Registration
09.00 -11.00 Coffee and refreshments
09.00 -10.30 Opening Session
10.30 -12.00 1st cycle of concurrent sessions
12.00-13.00 Dual Plenary Sessions
Energy Transition: the EU Roadmap to 2050
Financing the Energy Transition
13.00 -14.30 Lunch buffet (poster session)
14.30-15.30 Dual Plenary Sessions
The hydrogen role for the clean energy revolution
The social impact of energy transition
15.30 -17.00 2nd cycle of concurrent sessions
17.00 -18.30 3rd cycle of concurrent sessions
20.00-22.00 Gala Dinner
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
09.00 -17.00 Registration
09.00 -11.00 Coffee and refreshments
09.00 -10.30 4th cycle of concurrent sessions
10.30 -12.00 Dual Plenary Sessions
Sustainable mobility: role and challenges of the European automotive sector
The energy security concerns in an ever changing geopolitical context: the EU strategy
12.00 -13.00 5th cycle of concurrent sessions
13.00 -14.30 Lunch buffet
14.30 -16.00 Dual Plenary Sessions
Regulatory challenges for the European electricity markets in a renewable-based energy system: the EU new market design
Clean energy technologies and critical raw materials
16.00 -17.30 6th cycle of concurrent sessions
17.30 -18.30 7th cycle of concurrent sessions
Thursday, July 27, 2023
09.00 -11.00 Coffee and refreshments
09.00 -10.30 8h cycle of concurrent sessions
10.30 -12.00 Dual Plenary Sessions
The Energy industry challenges towards a net zero economy
Grid security and energy storage
12.00 -13.00 Special session
13.00 -13.45 Light Lunch
14.00 -15.00 Closing session
Conference proceedings
The full set of abstracts, full length papers and PowerPoint presentations will be placed in IAEE’s master Online Proceedings Database after the end of the Conference. IAEE will freely publish to all members the full suite of documents provided by AIEE that were presented at the conference as a service to all members.
IAEE’s Proceedings Copyright Agreement: The author of the submitted abstract and full length paper for the conference, may claim and retain all copyrights to these works on the condition that you grant to the IAEE an unconditional non-exclusive indefinite license to publish, summarize, edit, or make available these works in IAEE publications or on the IAEE website, and to use the author’s name(s) in connection with the publication, advertising, and promotion of these works. The author of the submitted works, further warrant that they are original, have not been published previously, and contain no matter unlawful in content or in violation of the rights of any third party. Concerns about this agreement should be communicated by email under the subject “IAEE Copyright Agreement” to
Proposed topics
Hydrogen for the energy transition
Electric mobility for a sustainable future
Community and supply chain
The TSO role and evolution
Local energy communities, big data and energy security
Energy security: impact of COVID19
New electricity market design
Technologies and economic growth towards a zero emission society
Sustainable energy systems
Market instruments for energy efficiency