Energy Observatory

A service that analyses the trend of international and national markets and provides energy short and medium term forecasts, developed by a team of professionals, working with an energy database.

The Energy ObservatoryAnalysis & Forecasting Report

The AIEE Energy Observatory Report provides monthly analysis and short-medium term forecasts on the international and national energy markets trend and on the Italian energy sector.

Furthermore, the report illustrates the dynamics of the prices of the main energy products (oil, oil products, gas, coal, electricity), their competitive situation and provides indications on their evolution in the following months (up to 24 months) and gives the estimate of fuel, electricity and gas tariffs.

With this service it is possible to know the trend of the demand and the cost of fuels, the competitiveness between the different sources, optimizing the short-medium term energy supply contracts. It is therefore an important tool for those who operate in the Power Exchange and in the Gas Exchange and in general in the energy sector.


The Energy Observatory is a publication for those who operate in the energy market and who must face the risks connected to the variability of prices that characterizes the sector and which depends essentially on the trend of fuel prices.


Particular attention is paid to the part related to the electricity sector as it monitors the components of the electricity tariff  and the situation of competitiveness between the various sources for the production of electricity. In addition, the Report is accompanied by various in-depth studies and news related to the world of energy.

The service that is issued each month, both as printed report and in electronic format (sent by e-mail) and  represents an important tool for operating in the liberalized gas and electricity markets, increasingly characterized by great variability in prices and regulatory situations.

The annual cost of the AIEE Energy Observatory Report is 4,000 euros + VAT.

It consists of monthly reports and some supplements and extraordinary updates.  

Commercial Director: Vittorio D’Ermo

For information contact:
e-mail: assaiee@aiee.itTel: 06 3227367