
The AIEE members can be regularinstitutional or student members.

Regular members

The regular members are the individual members that apply to join the Italian Association of Energy Economists. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the fields of energy or energy economics. Our membership consists of those working in both the public and private sectors including government, academic and commercial.
Joining the AIEE, you also become a IAEE member.

(The annual AIEE fee is € 110 which includes also the IAEE fee)

 The AIEE members have the following benefits:

The AIEE members receive for free the AIEE newsletter “Energy and Economy”, the “Letter on Energy” and the IAEE publications: the “Newsletter”, the “Energy Journal” and the EEEP. The AIEE members have a discount of 20% on the cover price of the volumes of the AIEE Books Series, published annually and can subscribe at a discount rate to the AIEE Energy Monitoring and Forecasting Service.

AIEE members have free access to AIEE national conferences and can download the proceedings using a personal password which allows them to access to the reserved area.

International contacts
The AIEE members are also members of the IAEE and they are registered in the “IAEE International Membership Directory”. IAEE has over 3,500 members and is the most qualified body associated with studies on energy issues.
It annually organizes high level conferences and international meetings. AIEE/IAEE members can participate and present their works at a discounted rate.


 Student Members

The student members are young graduates or students of any institution under the age of 30 years with specific interests in energy and environmental issues or students participating in the Master courses organized by the AIEE.
Student members have the same benefits as the regular members.

(The annual fee is € 50)

Institutional Members

This membership classification provides the opportunity for a company or organization to support the activities of AIEE and at the same time benefit from a variety of products/ services as well as recognition.

(The annual membership fee is €  2,000)

 the Institutional members have all the benefits reserved to the regular members and also the following special benefits:

visibility is given to their company and their name will appear (if desired) on the AIEE site with the logo and a link to the company website.

they can register in addition to the official representative (who also becomes a member of IAEE receiving the Newsletter and Energy Journal) other 4 individuals who will receive our newsletters, invitations to our seminars and a password to access the restricted area of the website to download the publications and the conference proceedings.

they will receive two free copies of each volume of the AIEE Books Series besides bibliographic services, energy data information and copies of magazines on request.

they can request AIEE to organize conferences and seminars and receive studies on issues of common interest.

they can use the dissemination and information service of AIEE (which includes more than 1000 contacts) in the case of events concerning energy issues and advertise their events on the AIEE website.

they can send their representatives to do lectures at the Masters courses organized by the AIEE.

AIEE’s Institutional Members Companies